Ebola Outbreaks - Updates
If you know of an article or other document relating to recent Ebola outbreaks, please contact us with the URL. Thanks!
Note: The Ebola Chapter from the Encyclopedia of Virology CDROM is now available online.
- Ebola ruled out as man dies (BBC, Aug 6)
- Fears of Ebola virus outbreak in Europe (London Times, Aug 5)
- Africa-born scientist says plant may be Ebola cure (CNN, Aug 3)
- Possible Ebola Outbreak Kills 63 in Congo (CNN, May 3)
- Deadly Ebola Outbreak Spreading (7am News, May 3)
- 50 Killed In Suspected Ebola Outbreak in Congo (CNN, May 1)
- Acute haemorrhagic fever syndrome in the Democratic Republic of Congo (WHO, Apr 30)
- New Ebola Virus Outbreak Feared in Congo, 46 Dead (CNN, Apr 30)
- Ebola Survivors Yield Clues For Vaccine (Vaccine Weekly)
- Acute haemorrhagic fever syndrome in southern Sudan - Update (WHO, Apr 20)
- Acute haemorrhagic fever syndrome in southern Sudan (WHO, Apr 7)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon (new outbreak) - Update 9 (WHO, Dec 24)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon (new outbreak) - Update 8 (WHO, Dec 20)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon (new outbreak) - Update 7 (WHO, Dec 6)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in South Africa - Update 2 (WHO, Nov 28)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon (new outbreak) - Update 6 (WHO, Nov 25)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in South Africa - Update (WHO, Nov 22)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon (new outbreak) - Update 5 (WHO, Nov 19)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in South Africa (WHO, Nov 18)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in India (WHO, Nov 12)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon (new outbreak) - Update 4 (WHO, Nov 12)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon (new outbreak) - Update 3 (WHO, Oct 21)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon (new outbreak) - Update 2 (WHO, Oct 18)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon (new outbreak) - Update (WHO, Oct 15)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon (new outbreak) (WHO, Oct 14)
- Shaking
the Ebola Tree: Genetic analysis offers insights into the workings of a
notorious virus (Scientific American, Aug 26)
- Ebola-Reston Investigation, Philippines - Update (WHO, Apr 30)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon - Update 3 (WHO, Apr 26)
- Ebola-like Reston virus in monkeys (WHO, Apr 17)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon - Update 2 (WHO, Mar 1)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Gabon (WHO, Feb 19)
- Ebola infection in Cote d'Ivoire/Liberia (WHO, Jan 22)
- Ebola virus strikes again in Gabon (WHO, Oct 15) [en francais]
- Ebola-Reston Virus Infection Among Quarantined Nonhuman Primates --- Texas, 1996 (CDC, Apr 19)
- Rapid government response stems ebola outbreak in Gabon (WHO, Feb 23)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever confirmed in Gabon (WHO, Feb 19)
- Ebola haemorrhagic fever confirmed in Gabon, Diagnosis Confirmed, Three More Persons Died (WHO, Feb 19)
- Medical Team Investigates Outbreak of Suspected Ebola Haemorrgagic Fever in Gabon (WHO, Feb 23)
- Experimental Inoculation of Plants and Animals with Ebola Virus (EID, Oct)
- The Thucydides Syndrome: Ebola Deja Vu? (or Ebola Reemergent?) (EID, Apr)
- Ebola Gets Under People's Skin (Newsday, Sep 21)
- Update on the Ebola Fever Epidemic in Zaire (World Health Organization, Aug 24)
- Notice to Readers Update: Management of Patients with
Suspected Viral Hemorrhagic Fever -- United States (CDC, Jun 30)
- A Journalist in Kikwit: Reporter Tracks the Ebola Virus (Newsday, Jun 6)
- Under Pressure (Newsday, Jun 6)
- Flaws in Screening (Newsday, Jun 6)
- 'We Did It. We Beat the Virus.' (Newsday, May 31)
- The Volunteers of Kikwit (Newsday, May 30)
- Ebola Victim's Funeral a Clue to Origin of Epidemic (Newsday, May 30)
- Seeking Clues in Jungle (Newsday, May 30)
- A Still Forest May Hold Deadly Secret (Newsday, May 30)
- In Search of the Dying (Time Magazine, May 29)
- Ebola Seems To Be Weakening (Newsday, May 25)
- Zaire Family Was Stricken in December (Newsday, May 22)
- Ebola Focus on 1 Family (Newsday, May 22)
- Epidemic Breeding Anger, Fear in Kikwit (Newsday, May 21)
- Doctors: 'Another Wave' Of Ebola Plague Possible (Newsday, May 18)
- Little Relief in Ebola Scare (Newsday, May 17)
- Zaire Borders to Close If Ebola Quarantine Can't Hold (Newsday, May 16)
- Search on in Zaire For Two With Ebola (Newsday, May 16)
- Ebola Epidemic Controlled By Death (Newsday, May 14)
- Ebola Overestimated? (Newsday, May 13)
- Ebola ADVISORY MEMORANDUM No. 111 (May 12, Centers for Disease Control)
- Deadly Virus Found Closer to Zaire Capital (Newsday, May 12)
- Ebola Epidemic Spreading (Newsday, May 12)
- Deadly Virus Strikes in 2nd African City
Said to Be Ebola Strain (Newsday, May 11)
- Synopsis of news reports about recent filovirus activity in Africa (May 11)
- Another synopsis of news reports (May 11)
- Deadly Virus Appears to Be On the Move
/ Outbreak in second Zaire city (May 11, San Francisco Chronicle)
- Ebola Outbreak Update (Access Excellence, May 11)
- Virus Kills 56 in Zaire; Sections Quarantined (Newsday, May 10)
- Ebola Reported Spreading (Access Excellence, Apr 24)
- Ebola Infection Reported (Access Excellence, Apr 9)
- Reemergence of Ebola Virus in Africa (CDC, Jul)
Additional info...
- Ebola recommended reading list
- Journal of Infectious Diseases Supplement devoted to recent Ebola research
- WHO guidelines for epidemic preparedness and response: Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever (EHF)
- Haemorrhagic Fevers in Africa Fact Sheet (WHO, Mar, 1996)
- Ebola Fact Sheet (WHO, Feb, 1996)
- Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers: Fact Sheets (CDC)
- Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever: Table Showing Known Cases and Outbreaks (CDC, 1996)
- Dr. Donald P. Francis Talks to Teachers About the Ebola
Outbreak (Access Excellence, 1998)
- Ebola and Marburg Virus:
Genomic Structure, Comparative and Molecular Biology by John Crowley (B.S.) and Ted Crusberg (Ph.D.)
- How Prevalent is Filovirus Exposure
Worldwide? by Myles Axton
- Regulation of a Runaway Replicator by Myles Axton
- Ebola information from the National Center for Infectious Diseases
- Ebola Virus Hemorrhagic Fever: General Information (Centers for Disease Control)
- Infection Control for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers in the
African Health Care Setting (Centers for Disease Control)
- Filoviruses In Nonhuman Primates: Overview Of The Investigation In Texas (Centers for Disease Control)
- WHO recommended guidelines for epidemic preparedness and
response: Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever (EHF) (WHO, 1998)
- Management of Patients with Suspected
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (Centers for Disease Control)
- Electron micrographs of Ebola
- A tutorial on Ebola
- Dr. Frederick A. Murphy Talks about the Ebola Virus (Access Excellence)
- Description of Ebola from _The Hot Zone_ (non-scientific)
U.S. Department of State Travel Advisories for Zaire
- Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever Videos
for health workers and the general public (WHO, 1997)
- Image of the Ebola Virus
- Biosafety and Emerging Infections: Key Issues in the
Prevention and Control of Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (CDC, 1997)
- Ivory Coast Ebola Could Lead To Source (Access Excellence)
- Ebola Virus Risk Assessment (Jack Campbell)
- Interview with virologist Bernard LeGuenno (Jun 1996)
- Frequently asked questions on Ebola (Warning: written by a layman, not a virologist)
- Transmission, Treatment, Reservoirs