College of Nursing - 974-2191
College of Public Health - 974-3623
Gopher - an interface through Internet. It can access AIDS Tx News, Ben Gardiner's AIDS BBS, CDC daily summaries, CDC statistics, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, NIAID press releases, National AIDS Information Clearinghouse, National commission on AIDS, Study Recruitmet Information, UCSF Focus, and more.
HIV Clinic - 272-7761
Main Campus Library - 974-2727 - numerous books, articles in scientific journals, magazines and newspapers, federal, state and local reports. Access to Luis, Med -Net, Science Citation, Nexis/Lexis and Internet with the gopher interface.
Medical Library - 974-2243 - a large selection of textbooks, medical journals, periodicals such as the AIDS Bibliography, Luis, and Medline.
Moffitt cancer Center and Research Institute - 974-4673
REACH (Responsible Education and Action for College Health) - 974-4936 - a peer education group sponsored by the Center for Disease Control
Student Health Center located next to the UC- 974-2201 - offers three educators for counseling or group presentations. They also offer pamphlets, brochures, and testing using Elisa
USF Center for HIV Education and Research - located at FMHI 974-4430 - the Center's primary goal is to educate health care professionals on AIDS/HIV. They carry and assortment of brochures and books. The FMHI library has an AIDS Resource section.
USF Wellness committee - a student organization which provides information involving the different dimensions of wellness through programs, events and activities.
AIDS Coalition of Pinellas (ACP)
410A N. Fort Harrison Clearwater, Fl 34615
AIDS Education Project
P.O. Box 4073
Key West, Fl 33041
P.O. Box 4374
Key West, Fl 33041
Aldersgate United Methodist church
9530 Starkey Rd.
Seminole Fl 34647
- services offered include counseling, food, clothing, and spiritual support
All Saints Catholic Church
2801 Curlew Rd
Clearwater Fl 34621
- services offered include education of the general public and spiritual support
American Red Cross
217 N. Nebraska Ave
Tampa Fl 33612
- educational classes and licensing for workers dealing with AIDs patients
Ask a Nurse
St. Joseph Hospital
Associacion de Lationos con SIDA (ALAS)
460 6th Anw., S.
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701
Associate District AIDS Coordinator and Trainer, Jeffrey Nunziata, associated with the County Health Department.
4000 W. MLK, Jr. Blvd.
Tampa, Fl 33614-7093
Bay Area AIDS Consortium, Inc.
2655 Swan Ave., Suite 107
Tampa, Fl 33609
Blood bank of University Community Hospital
3100 E. Fletcher Ave.
Tampa Fl 33613
Caritas / St. Inatius Catholic Church
P.O. Box 1306
Tarpon Springs Fl 34689
- services offered include food, essentials, clothing, information and referral, and spiritual support.
Central Florida Ais Unified Resources
P.O. Box 3725
Orlando, Fl 32802
407-849-1452 hotline
Children's Medical Service
1 Davis Blvd. Suite 502
Tampa Fl 33606
- answer any questions by phone or in person.
Collier Resources Task Force
3080 Tamiame Trail N
Naples Fl 33940
Community Alliance of Pinellas for AIDS (CAPA)
1411 16th St., N.
St. Petersburg, Fl 33704 823-3007
Cure AIDS Now, Inc.
2240 South Dixie Hwy.
Miami, Fl 33133
305-858-8756 fax
For AIDS Caare Today (FACT)
2641 1st Ave., N.
St. Petersburg, Fl 33713
Family Services of Greater Tampa
Florida AIDS
- in charge of distributing funding and overseeing the smaller regional offices. they provide people with epidemiological data and statistics about the disease as well as information about tegional offices that one may contact for more information.
Florida AIDS Legal Defense and Education Fund
PO Box 2676
Tallahassee, Fl 32316-2676
Francis House
4703 N. Florida Ave.
Tampa, Fl 33603
Good Samaritan Resource Center
2047 Fifth Svenue, N.
St. Petrersburg, Fl 337113
Gorgas Memorial Laboratory
P.O. Box 935, APO
Miami, Fl 34002
Governor's task Force on AIDS - Robert Good, MD,MPH (Chair). Professor, Medical Microbiology and Immunology, USF. Physician in Chief at
All Children's Hospital
801 6th Street, South
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701
Habitat Society Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 20305
Tampa, Fl 33622
- services include support groups, buddy program, financial assistance, and housing.
P.O. Box 14059
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701
- drug and alcohol addiction
Health Department
1105 Kennedy Blvd. E
Tampa FL
272-6200 ext. 4107
Ms. Hopkins - information pamphlets, testing, and education.
Heyward house
810 1/2 20th Sve., S.
St. Petersburg, Fl 33705-2768
Hospice of the Florida Sun coast
300 East Bay Dr.
Largo, Fl 34640
Jewish family Services
March of Dimes, Florida Bay Chapter
405 North Reo street, Ste. 105
Tampa, Fl 33609
Maternal Child Coalition
405 N. Rio St
Suite 105
Tampa Fl 33609
- perinatal and well baby education
People of Color AIDS Coalition (POCAC)
P.O. Box 14059
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701
Office of AIDS Prevention / HRS state headquarters
1317 Wineewood Blvd.
Tallahassee, Fl 32399-0700
- statistical and preventive information
Paradise home Companion Service
1101 66th St., N
St. Petersburg, Fl 33710
People of Color Aids Coalition
PWA coalition of Tampa Bay
P.O. Box 9731
Tampa, Fl
Rainbow House Co-operative
460 6th Ave., S.
St Petersburg, Fl 33704
Salvation Army
1625 N. Belcher Rd.
Clearwater Fl 34625
- services include counseling, financial assistance, food, clothing, housingreferral and assistance, information and referral, spiritual support, and support group meetings for HIV/AIDS
Stratogen Health of West Florida
3701 Cortez Road, W
Bradenton Fl 34210
-operated by DR. Michael Bach and Dr. Nadler. The clinic specializes in patients with HIV.
Suncoast AIDS Network (SCAN)
Tampa AIDS Network (TAN)
11215 N. Nebraska Ave.
Tampa, Fl 33612
- dedicated to support, education and information on HIV/AIDS. TAN has a resource library open 9am to 6pm monday through Friday.
Tampa Hillsborough Action Plan
- provides informational resources, anonymous testing, and goes to jails to educate inmates.
Tender Loving Care of St. Pete
1735 9th St, S
St. Petersburg, Fl 33705
Visiting Nurses of Tampa Bay
5405 Cypress Center Dr.
Suite 220
Tampa, Fl 33609
University of Miami School of Medicine
Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Unit
Central Building
Room 600
1611 NW 12th Ave.
Miami, Fl 33101
Addiction Research and Treatment Corp.
22 Chapel St.
Brooklyn, NY 11201
- researches the relationship of drug and alcohol addiction to sexual practices and exposure to the AIDs virus
AIDS Foundation
3202 Westlayan Annex
Houston, Tx
- public speaking, education, social services, fund raising, phone buddies, pet care, and food pantry.
AIDS Treatment Resource
259 West 30th St.
New York, NY 10001
212-268-4199 (fax)
-ATR provides informantion on AIDS treatments and drug trials
American Foundation for AIDS Research (AMFAR)
1515 Broadway, Suite 3601
New York, NY 10036
212-719-0712 (fax)
-AMFAR is involved in AIDS research and education
American Public Health Association
1015 Fifteenth St., NW
Washington D.C. 20005
-This organization is involved with public health policies and issues
Association for the Care of Childrens Health (ACOH)
7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 300
Bethesda, MD 20814
-ACOH provides educational resources to health care professional, researchers and parents
ATN Publications
P.O. Box 411256
San Francisco, CA 94141
415-255-4659 fax
- AIDS treatments
Baylor University College of Medicine
Center of Allergy and Immunological Disorders
1200 Moursund Ave.
Houston, Tx 77030
713-790-4768 general clinical research center
713-790-4443 virus research center
Baylor University College of Medicine
Texas ChildrenŐs Hospital
Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Unit
1 Baylor Plaza
Room 746 E
Houston, Tx 77030
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
AIDS Activity Office
1600 Clifton Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30333
- information on prevention, testing, control, and transmission of HIV 1. statistics on women, adolescents, race, and ethnicity are available. The surgeon General's Report on AIDS is also available.
Children's Hospital of New Jersey
15 South 9th St
Newark, NJ 0717
- the National Pediatric Resource Center provides consultatioin, technical assistance, and training as well as serving as a forum for exploring public policy issues related to the care of children with HIV infections.
Disinfectancts Branch Office of pesticides
Environmental protection agency
401 M Street SW
Washington, DC 20460
- information on the virocidal efficiency of disinfectants.
Documentation of AIDS Issues and Research Foundation (DAIR)
25 Taylor Street, Suite 618
San Francisco, CA 94102
- sponsors information
Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC)
P.O. Bos 274
132 West 24th St
New York, NY 10011
-one of the oldest service organizations
Georgetown Universtiy
School of Medicine
International Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Immunology at Georgetown
3800 Reservoir Rd NW
Washington, D.C. 20007
- research interests in the fields of infectious diseases and disorders of immune regulation
Global AIDS Policy Coalition (GAPC)
International AIDS Center]
Harvard School of Public Health
665 Huntington Av.
Boston, Ma 02115
-international network for AIDS policy and program research
Independent Citizens Research Foundation for Study of Degenerative disease, Inc.
P.O. box 97
Ardsley, NY 10502
- studies the causes and treatment os AIDS, publishes bulletins and newsletters, and maintains a library.
Institute for Immunological Disorders
7407 North Freeway
Houston, Tx 77076
-conducts experimental studies on the treatment of AIDS and ARC and the antiviral drug ribavirin.
Mariposa Education and Research Foundation, Inc.
P.O. box 36B35
Los Angeles, Ca 90036
- conducts research on the prevention of AIDS
National AIDS Information Clearing house
PO Box 6003
Rockville, MD 20850
- general information on AIDS, AIDS in the workplace and clinical trials currently underway.
National Association of People with AIDS
1413 K Street, NW
10th floor
Washington , DC 20005
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
1517 U St., NW
Washington, D.C. 20009
- a clearinghouse of information and provides education and advocacy on HIV related issues
National Hemophilia foundatiion, National Resource and Consultation Center,
the Soho Building
110 Greene Street
room 303A
New York, NY 10012
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease
9000 rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892
National Institute of Mental Health
5600 Fishers Lane
Rocknille, MD 20857
National Institue on Drug Abuse,
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
National Institute of Health AIDS Research
1600 Research Blvd,
Rockville MD 20850
- clinical trials info.seervices, drug experimentation referrals, employee legislation laws, cost projections, insurance info., publications.
New York University
Kaplan Cancer Center
550 First Ane.
New York, NY 10016
- conducts cancer research and its relation to AIDS and Kaposi's sarcoma
New York University
Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates
5500 First Ave.
New York, NY 10016
- serves as a cooperative research and educational facility for the investigation of AIDS using chimpanzees
Ohio State university
Infectious Diseases Research Laboratories
410 West 10th Ave.
Columbus Oh 43210
-researches the pathology, therapy, and prophylaxis of infectious disease including AIDS
Pediatric AIDS Foundation
1311 Colorado Ave.
Santa Monica, Ca 90404
- basic research of pediatric HIV / AID
Pitt Men's Study
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
P.O. Box 7319
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
- study homosexual contact in the last five years. Following the natural history of AIDS in homosexual and bisexual men.
Project Inform (PI)
1965 Market Street Suite 220
San Francisco, Ca 94103
Sex Information and Education council of the US
130 West 42nd St.
Suite 2500
New York, NY 10036
Tulane University
School of Medicine
Clinical Immunology Section
1700 Perdido St. , third floor
New Orleans, LA 70112
- research on immune deficiencies and autoimmune disorders, especially mechanicms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
US Public Health Service
Public Affairs Office
Hubert Humphrey Building
room 725 - H
200 Independence Av SW
Washington, DC 20201
AIDS Crisisline
AIDS Hotline
AIDS Treatment News
AZT Federal Hotline
AIDS Education Project
AIDS Prevention Program
AIDS Prevention Project
American Social Health Association
Civil Rights Hotline
National AIDS Clearinghouse
National AIDS Hotline
National Association of Persons with AIDS
National Institute on Drug Abuse
New York Project Information
Office on HIV / AIDS and Infectious Diseases
Teens Tap
U.S. Public Health Service
VD National Hotline
Women's AIDS Network
Brazilian Interdisciplinary AIDS Association
Rua Lopes Quitas 576
Jardim Botanico
22460 Rio de Janieiro, RJ, Brazil
- prevention, education and information. serves as a clearing house and resource center. seminars and programs.
Haitian Coalition on AIDS
50 Court St.
Suite 605
Brooklyn NY 11201
- educate the public concerning what the coalition feels iss discriminatory classification of Haitians as an ethnonational group that runs a high risk of contracting AIDS.
Human Immuno Virus Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies
New York State Psychiatric Institute
722 W 168 St.
New York, NY 10032
- focuses primarily on the steps leading to HIV infection, including high risk behaviors, and on the primary symptoms of infection and how these can be more readily diagnosed. This includes HIV infection, prevention among adolescents, and factors such as immunologic, neurologic and psychosocial, which are associated with disease progression.
International AIDS Prospective Epidemiology Neetwork
c/o David Ostrow
155 N Harbor
No. 5103
Chicago, Il 60601
- a goal to increase the effectiveness of AIDS research through cooperation, standardization of methodology, and datat pooling. facilitates the exchange of information.
International Society for STD Research
c/o Professor Peter Piot
Institute for Tropical Medicine
Nationalestraat 155
B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium
- promote research and exchange information concerning sexually transmitted diseases.
World Health Organization
525 23rd St., NW
Washington, DC 20037
- world wide information about HIV testing, transmission, statistics and prevention.
World Health Organization
Geneva 27 Switzerland
World Health Organization; Collaborating Centre on AIDS
c/o CDC
1600 Clifton Rd. NE
Atlanta, Ga 30333
- research and public health programs which deal with the AIDS disease.
World Hemophilia AIDS Center
10 Congress St.
Suite 340
Pasedena, Ca 91105
- serves as an information clearinghouse and international surveillance center for AIDS or potential cases of AIDS in hemophiliacs.
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 94 11:33:39 EST From: Tai ChengTo: Dr Dunigan: The following is the path to two Internet gopher sites and information to subscribe to Mail list. I hope you will find this useful. Thanks. Path to AIDS Related Information through gopher in CAS machine. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Login to CHUMA or machine in the same domain 2. type in: gopher 3. select USF Gopher Server 4. select World Information 5. select Other Gopher and Inofrmation Servers 6. select North America 7. select USA 8. select california 9. select University of California - Irvine 10. select Virtual Reference Desk 11. select AIDS Related Information Path to WHO through gopher in CAS machine. ^^^ 1. Login to CHUMA or machine in the same domain 2. type in: gopher 3. select USF Gopher Server 4. select World Information 5. select International Organizations 6. select World Health Organization (WHO) Subscription to Mailing List. (Information from CDC) WARNING: If you chose to subscript to the Mailing list you better check you e-mail everyday. SCI.MED.AIDS may have up to 15 to 30 messages stuff to you mail box a day. Mailing lists, also known as "listservs" (short for "list server"), send messages to all registered subscribers. Users submit messages to the list server, which forwards copies of the message to all users on the mailing list. To subscribe, you must send a message to the addresses listed below. Leave the subject blank and type the indicated text in the body of the message. Where indicated, type your first name and then your last name. SCI.MED.AIDS .............................. This is the oldest and most active list. It includes the CDC's AIDS Daily Summary and many discussions about contemporary topics. Posting to this list is a good way to broadcast to a huge group. To join, send the message "subscribe aids firstname lastname" to the above address. ACT-UP ................................... ACT-UP uses this Internet listserv as a way of disseminating information about AIDS political and research issues. News such as CDC's AIDS Daily Summary is included. This is not a public list; however, those interested in joining can inquire by sending an email message to the above address. AIDS Stat .................................. This list contains official statistics about the rates of HIV infection and associated conditions such as AIDS. Send the message "subscribe aids-stat" to the above address. CTN Newsletter .................................... The Canadian HIV Trials Network issues this electronic version of their newsletter, available in French and English. The newsletter is released bimonthly and contains articles about ongoing clinical trials and other aspects of clinical research in Canada. To receive the newsletter, send an email message to the above address. Specify whether you would prefer the English or French version. Tai Wai Cheng.
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© 1994 Dr. David Dunigan. University of South Florida.